Our winter libraryA selection of poems that we think are perfect to read in winter
A Bird-Scene at a Rural Dwelling
When the inmate stirs, the birds retire discreetly From the window-ledge, whereon they whistled sweetly And on the step of the door, In the misty morning hoar; But now the dweller is up they flee To the crooked neighbouring codlin-tree; And when he comes fully forth they seek the garden, And call from the lofty costard, as pleading pardon For shouting so near before In their joy at being alive:-- Meanwhile the hammering clock within goes five. I know a domicile of brown and green, Where for a hundred summers there have been Just such enactments, just such daybreaks seen. Thomas Hardy ( 1840-1928) A Light Snow-Fall after Frost
On the flat road a man at last appears: How much his whitening hairs Owe to the settling snow's mute anchorage, And how much to a life's rough pilgrimage, One cannot certify. The frost is on the wane, And cobwebs hanging close outside the pane Pose as festoons of thick white worsted there, Of their pale presence no eye being aware Till the rime made them plain. A second man comes by; His ruddy beard brings fire to the pallid scene: His coat is faded green; Hence seems it that his mien Wears something of the dye Of the berried holm-trees that he passes nigh. The snow-feathers so gently swoop that though But half an hour ago The road was brown, and now is starkly white, A watcher would have failed defining quite When it transformed it so. Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) As the Tide Comes in
The quivering terns dart wild and dive, As the tide comes tumbling in. The calm rock-pools grow all alive, With the tide tumbling in. The crab who under the brown weed creeps, And the snail who lies in his house and sleeps, Awake and stir, as the plunging sweeps Of the tide come tumbling in. Grey driftwood swishes along the sand, As the tide tumbles in, With wreck and wrack from many a land, On the tide, tumbling in. About the beach are a broken spar, A pale anemone's torn sea-star And scattered scum of the waves' old war, As the tide comes tumbling in. And, oh, there is a stir at the heart of me, As the tide comes tumbling in, All life once more is a part of me, As the tide tumbles in. New hopes awaken beneath despair And thoughts slip free of the sloth of care While beauty and love are everywhere -- As the tide comes tumbling in. Cale Young Rice (1872-1943) A Winter Hedgerow
The wintry wolds are white; the wind Seems frozen; in the shelter'd nooks The sparrows shiver; the black rooks Wheel homeward where the elms behind The manor stand; at the field's edge The redbreasts in the blackthorn hedge Sit close and under snowy eaves The shrewmice sleep 'mid nested leaves. William Sharp (1855–1905) Bury Hill
To this green hill a something dream-like clings, Where day by day the little blunt sheep graze, Threading the tussocks and the toadstool rings, Nosing the barrows of the olden days. An air drifts here that's sweet of sea and grass, And down the combe-side living colour glows; Spring, Summer, Fall, the chasing seasons pass To Winter, even lovelier than those. The dream is deep today, when all that's far Of wandering water and of darkling wood, Of weald and ghost-like Down combinèd are In haze below this hill where God has stood. Here I, too, stand until the light is gone, And feed my wonder, while the sheep graze on. John Galsworthy (1867-1933) Harvest
Cows in the stall and sheep in the fold; Clouds in the west, deep crimson and gold; A heron’s far flight to a roost somewhere; The twitter of killdees keen in the air; The noise of a wagon that jolts through the gloam On the last load home. There are lights in the windows; a blue spire of smoke Climbs from the grange grove of elm and oak. The smell of the Earth, where the night pours to her Its dewy libation, is sweeter than myrrh, And an incense to Toil is the smell of the loam On the last load home. John Charles McNeill (1874-1907) Hearth
Conjured from matches and twists of paper, the log-fire burns – a friend for a stranger, warmth for damp days. Flames lean in and then turn, swaying and waving, their heads raised in praise of the moment. The heart sings in return: ther is a sense of home, a place to laze, enjoy the glow, somewhere to lose concerns as movement and colour absorb your gaze. Embers shift and stir, silhouettes form of tigers, forests, castles, a box of jewels; while in the flames themselves, a swirling storm of plasma churns, as atoms and molecules break and whirl. Light shines in this world of ours – a hearth can hold the substance of the stars. Isobel Montgomery Campbell (1956-) In an Old Barn
Tons upon tons the brown-green fragrant hay O'erbrims the mows beyond the time-warped eaves, Up to the rafters where the spider weaves, Though few flies wander his secluded way. Through a high chink one lonely golden ray, Wherein the dust is dancing, slants unstirred. In the dry hush some rustlings light are heard, Of winter-hidden mice at furtive play. Far down, the cattle in their shadowed stalls, Nose-deep in clover fodder's meadowy scent, Forget the snows that whelm their pasture streams, The frost that bites the world beyond their walls. Warm housed, they dream of summer, well content In day-long contemplation of their dreams. Sir Charles G D Roberts (1860-1943) January Dusk
Austere and clad in sombre robes of grey, With hands upfolded and with silent wings, In unimpassioned mystery the day Passes; a lonely thrush its requiem sings. The dust of night is tangled in the boughs Of leafless lime and lilac, and the pine Grows blacker, and the star upon the brows Of sleep is set in heaven for a sign. Earth’s little weary peoples fall on peace And dream of breaking buds and blossoming. Of primrose airs, of days of large increase, And all the coloured retinue of spring. John Drinkwater (1882-1937) Invictus
Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) New Every Morning
Every day is a fresh beginning, Listen my soul to the glad refrain. And, spite of old sorrows And older sinning, Troubles forecasted And possible pain, Take heart with the day and begin again. Susan Coolidge (1835-1905) Nightfall
She sits beside: through four low panes of glass The sun, a misty meadow, and the stream; Falling through rounded elms the last sunbeam. Through night's thick fibre sudden barges pass With great forelights of gold, with trailing mass Of timber: rearward of their transient gleam The shadows settle, and profounder dream Enters, fulfils the shadows. Vale and grass Are now no more; a last leaf strays about, Then every wandering ceases; we remain. Clear dusk, the face of wind is on the sky: The eyes I love lift to the upper pane-- Their voice gives note of welcome quietly ‘I love the air in which the stars come out.’ Michael Field (1846-1914) Snow
Look up... From bleakening hills Blows doen the light first breath Of wintry wind... look up, and scent The snow! Adelaide Crapsey (1878–1914) So Breaks The Sun
So breaks the sun earth’s rugged chains, Wherein rude winter bound her veins; So grows both stream and source of price, That lately fettered were with ice. So naked trees get crisped heads, And coloured coats the roughest meads, And all get vigour, youth and sprite, That are but looked on by his light. Ben Jonson (1572-1637) Thaw
Over the land freckled with snow half-thawed The speculating rooks at their nests cawed And saw from elm-tops, delicate as flowers of grass, What we below could not see, Winter pass. Edward Thomas (1878-1917) From The Garden (From Gilbert)
Above the city hung the moon, Right o’er a plot of ground Where flowers and orchard-trees were fenced With lofty walls around: ‘Twas Gilbert’s garden, there to-night Awhile he walked alone; And, tired with sedentary toil, Mused where the moonlight shone. This garden, in a city-heart, Lay still as houseless wild, Though many-windowed mansion fronts Were round it; closely piled; But thick their walls, and those within Lived lives by noise unstirred; Like wafting of an angel’s wing, Time’s flight by them was heard. Some soft piano-notes alone Were sweet as faintly given, Where ladies, doubtless, cheered the hearth With song that winter-even. The city’s many mingled sounds Rose like the hum of ocean; They rather lulled the heart than roused Its pulse to faster motion. Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855) The Gulls
Soft is the sky in the mist-kirtled east, Light is abroad on the sea, All of the heaven with silver is fleeced, Holding the sunrise in fee. Lo! with a flash and uplifting of wings Down where the long ripples break, Cometh a bevy of glad-hearted things, 'Tis morn, for the gulls are awake. Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) The Herding
Quietly, quietly in from the fields Of the grey Atlantic the billows come, Like sheep to the fold. Shorn by the rocks of fleecy foam, They sink on the brown seaweed at home; And a bell, like that of a bellwether, Is scarcely heard from the buoy -- Save when they suddenly stumble together In herded hurrying joy, Upon its guidance: then soft music From it is tolled. Far out in the murk that follows them in Is heard the call of the fog-horn's voice, Like a shepherd's — low. And the strays as if waiting it seem to pause And lift their heads and listen — because It is sweet from wandering ways to be driven, When we have fearless breasts, When all that we strayed for has been given, When no want molests Us more — no need of the tide's ebbing And tide’s flow. Cale Young Rice ( 1872-1943) The Lake Isle of Innisfree
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee, And live alone in the bee-loud glade. And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, And evening full of the linnet’s wings. I will arise and go now, for always night and day I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey, I hear it in the deep heart’s core. William Butler Yeats (1865-1939). The Poetry of Earth
In rigorous hours, when down the iron lane The redbreast looks in vain For hips and haws, Lo, shining flowers upon my window pane The silver pencil of the winter draws. When all the snowy hill And the bare woods are still; When snipes are silent in the frozen bogs, And all the garden garth is whelmed in mire, Lo, by the hearth, the laughter of the logs – More fair than roses, lo, the flowers of fire! Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894) There Is a Budding Morrow in Midnight
Wintry boughs against a wintry sky; Yet the sky is partly blue And the clouds are partly bright:-- Who can tell but sap is mounting high Out of sight, Ready to burst through? Winter is the mother-nurse of Spring, Lovely for her daughter's sake, Not unlovely for her own: For a future buds in everything; Grown, or blown, Or about to break. Christina Georgina Rossetti 1830-1894) The Shepherd Wind
When hills and plains are powdered white, And bitter cold the north wind blows, Upon my window in the night A fairy-garden grows. Here poppies that no hand hath sown Bloom white as foam upon the sea, And elfin bells to earth unknown Hold frost-bound melody. And here are blossoms like to stars Tangled in nets of silver lace-- My very breath their beauty mars, Or stirs them from their place. Perchance the echoes of old songs Found here a resting place at last With drifting perfume that belongs To roses of the past. Or all the moonbeams that were lost On summer nights the world forgets May here be prisoned by the frost With souls of violets. The wind doth shepherd many things-- And when the nights are long and cold, Who knows how strange a flock he brings All safely to the fold. Virna Sheard (1862-1943) The True Beauty
He that loves a rosy cheek Or a coral lip admires, Or from starlike eyes doth seek Fuel to maintain his fires; As old Time makes these decay, So his flames must waste away.But a smooth and steadfast mind, Gentle thoughts, and calm desires, Hearts with equal love combined, Kindle never-dying fires: -- Where these are not, I despise Lovely cheeks or lips or eyes. Thomas Carew (1598-1639) From The Villager’s Verse-Book The Blacksmith
How cheerful in the winter’s night, As down the lane I stray; The blacksmith’s forge shoots out its light, And shines across the way! The smith his labouring bellows blows, And now his stroke repeats; Beats the red iron, as it glows, And shapes it as he beats. While, flash! The frequent sparkles fly, And tongs are hissing red; Content and cheerful industry Sweeten his daily bread. William Lisle Bowles (1762-1850) The Wood
I walked a nut-wood's gloom. And overhead A pigeon's wing beat on the hidden boughs, And shrews upon shy tunnelling woke thin Late winter leaves with trickling sound.Across My narrow path I saw the carrier ants Burdened with little pieces of bright straw. These things I heard and saw, with senses fine For all the little traffic of the wood, While everywhere, above me, underfoot, And haunting every avenue of leaves, Was mystery, unresting, taciturn. And haunting the lucidities of life That are my daily beauty, moves a theme, Beating along my undiscovered mind. John Drinkwater (1882-1937) To a Thrush
In the hour before the dawn, In the hour when dreams are true, When the moonlight’s on the lawn And the grass is hoar with dew, Ere the clarion cock’s astir Or the cattle in the byre-- Come and perch upon the fir, Come and take the topmost spire! I shall wake and, through the pane, I thy silhouette shall see, I shall hear thy magic strain, Rapturous thrush!— and bless thy tree. Never thrilled through mortal ear Earthly music more divine; Never tree-top soared so near God’s own Paradise as thine! Let me, till the moon has set And the darkness stills thy strain, Listen; then, with eyelids wet, Turn to happy sleep again. William Canton (1845-1926) We watched the crows
We watched the crows, At a little distance from us, Become white as silver As they flew in the sunshine; And when they went still further They looked like shapes of water Passing over the green fields. Dorothy Wordsworth (1771-1855) From Winter in Strathearn
She crumbled the brown bread, she crumbled the white; The snow lay deep, but the crumbs lay light: The sparrows swept down like withered leaves; The starlings sidled with scarlet greaves. And burnished, black green harness scrolled With damaskings of dark old gold; The gallant robin, he came not nigh. But tom-tit sparkled a frightened eye; The blue blackbird with his saffron bill Hopped with the crowd; and the finches sped With their scarves of white and their vests of red From the sea-green laurels; and out of the hill, Where the steep Blue-rocks stood, stark and grey, A jackdaw flew; and the carrion crow Frightened them now and again away, Swooping down on the bloodless prey All in the powdery snow-white snow. She crumbled the brown bread, she crumbled the white, She fed them morning, noon and night. They fought and scolded till supper was done, Then wing after wing went away with the sun. John Davidson (1857–1909) |